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phone showing a profile on the nuumi app. It shows her weekly activity goal and her current streak. It also shows a recent workout she has logged and posted on nuumi.

Achieve your fitness goals

nuumi is a free workout tracker that turns your fitness goals into lasting habits

download nuumi on the apple app store
download the nuumi app on the google play store
app store reviews for nuumi on the google play store and the apple app store

4.9 Google Play

Google Play Store App Badge
Apple App Store Badge

4.9 App Store

Loved by people around the world

Log workouts effortlessly

Track any kind of workout

Plan ahead with customisable workout templates

Discover new exercises in our rich library

Phone showing the workout log screen on nuumi. The phone shows a gym workout with a superset and some running intervals. Their
A phone showing nuumi after finishing workout tracking. The app congratulates the user, and shows their progress towards their weekly activity goal.

Build a streak, and a habit

Set a weekly activity goal

Build a streak and earn medals

Keep up your routine and build a lasting habit

Fuel your motivation

Join the community

Share workouts with your friends

Encourage each other to keep going

A phone showing what makes this a social fitness app. It shows a workout post with likes and comments, and the contents of the workout below


Star review ratings

New workout partner💃

My apple notes app is now redundant - so easy to record work outs and stay accountable


Star review ratings

How is this s**t free?

Makes me feel motivated to workout and it’s way easier to track your progressive overload than other apps


Star review ratings

Actually keeps me in shape!

I think this is the 100th time I’ve tried to stay in shape, but this time I’ve actually managed to stick to it. Couldn’t have done it without this app

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